Sunday, February 25th, 2024 : Annual Congregational Meeting

Our  West Hill United Annual Report 
helps us look back on a year of being together.
It helps us to see how we have lived out our values 
with each other, the wider community and the planet;
celebrate what we’ve accomplished, how did it, and who helped;
evaluate how well we’ve done; identify the gaps;
and, perhaps most importantly,
look to our future together
realistically, creatively,
and with a sense of adventure.

In 2023 we saw several teams work on an action plan that was robust, feasible, and which was based on feedback from the West Hill community.
We took time to reaffirm our values, 
consider our overall purpose and direction, and align our priorities as we continue to seek truth, live fully, care deeply,
and make a difference - even better, together,
this year and beyond.

In preparing for our time together, please take a moment to read the Annual Report for highlights of our work and vision, our successes, challenges, and of course, our appreciation for everyone who contributed and supported West Hill this past year.
