February 25th 2024: Is AI Ethical?

Welcome Special Guest Speaker, Glenn Cockwell

Join Glenn as he pulls the veil off AI. Learn what it is, how it works,
and how ethics determines it's impact on our life. 

As a professional Computer Engineer, Glenn spent 30 years in the lab at IBM. In retirement, he became a consultant, webpage creator, and an adult educator. Glenn is also a published writer with several books and magazine articles to his credit. 

His love of the outdoors led him to join Scouts Canda as a leader, and then a trainer. He was an avid hockey player and is now leading a large, Scarborough-based community walking group. He shares his love of nature and a passion for learning with his family and friends.

Did we mention that Glenn is the one-man techno band who carried West Hill through the pandemic, setting up the foundation for the hybrid service we have enjoyed? And he's not done yet; he's the lead on the tech enhancements currently upgrading our unique hybrid model. 

He has been a member of the Property team at West Hill as well as a Trustee for years, and is currently serving as both the Chair of Trustees; and as Director of Technology on the West Hill Board.

West Hill United