
Our guiding document, our statement of shared values, Visionworks.  It's one of the things I'm most proud of when I think of West Hill, and the best thing about it is our amazing commitment to revisiting and revising it every five years.  This is a VisionWorks year, and we've started the process on Sunday as Gretta focused on the preamble of VisionWorks for Sunday's service and perspective(s).  

We know have the audio podcast and the video of that service available for those of you who weren't able to be here on Sunday, or for those of you who wish to revisit it before participating in a conversation about it this week.  For this week and the next five, on Wednesdays at 7 or on Thursdays at 10, or on Sundays after the service, we will be forming conversation groups to talk about what speaks to us in VisionWorks, what frustrates us, what language sounds outdated or strange, and what language describes truly the community we're trying to build.  

This is important work!  Check out the audio podcast here on our website, or check out the youtube video, and leave comments below or on our facebook page!

VisionWorks: Perspective(s) 1 Podcast

VisionWorks: Perspective(s) 1 Video

And here are the slides that go with the presentation.