Gretta Vosper and West Hill United

I know you care about the future or you wouldn't be reading anything about West Hill and its extraordinary work so I'm glad you've landed on this page. Because I want you to be part of it, and this is one way that you can.

My life has been intertwined with West Hill's for almost sixteen years and much has happened in that time. Most dramatically, we have become one of the most progressive congregations in the world. Our online resources are accessed and  our materials shared and used by individuals and congregations across Canada and around the globe. Still, it is a challenging road and most of it has been built by the love, sweat, and tears of a handful of committed people who, like you, believe in a more equitable future for all: the small, suburban congregation of West Hill United. 

It is an important work we are about. Religion has been one of the greatest inventions of humanity and has caused incredible good to be manifest within human community. It has shaped the moral foundations of great countries and continues to influence whole societies in most areas of the world. But religion has also been the source of much travesty and harm that has been wreaked against members of the human family. West Hill's work in stepping beyond the beliefs that have divided humanity throughout millennia is a crucial piece in the ongoing evolution of civilization. It is on the vanguard of a great shift in human thinking, one that will liberate the human family as it has never been liberated before. 

So it is that, as West Hill also continues its important work of being a congregation active within a local community, it must challenge its members and those beyond who believe in our task to offer their support. If you are able to do that in even a small way, the future will thank you.  So will I.

To see how you can support our work, visit our Donate page now.
