Cathi MacDonnell and the Canadian Centre for Progressive Christianity

So many of us grew up in a church that was a wonderful, loving community of people that brought joy, meaning and support in life's celebrations and struggles.  Memories of the ritualsobserved at Christmas and Easter brought us happiness and peace.  At the same time, the stories that we read and ideas that we learned in church prompted us to want to learn more and in doing so, we often found a disconnect from what we were hearing in our worship services and the knowledge that we would gain in our studies.  Frequently we felt very alone in our new worldview.  

In 2004, the Canadian Centre for Progressive Christianity (CCPC) was formed by lay and ordained Christians in order to provide an opportunity where people who have experienced the isolation resulting from their spiritual growth or faith development to connect with others who have had similar experiences yet continue on the quest for meaning.  CCPC offers virtual community for those that identify as Christian, religious, spiritual, humanist or atheist, via its website (, printed materials/progressive resources and through opportunities to connect in person at conferences across the country.

I have been a member of CCPC since 2005 and have had many meaningful conversations with people committed to exploring and developing their progressive worldview.  I am no longer alone in my quest to live within a values-based perspective rather than a theistic one and to celebrate the rituals in life from a new and exciting vantage point.

Learn more about the CCPC on its website. Donate the the ongoing work of the CCPC or its Resource Development Fund here. Or, for long-lasting support, you can set up a recurring donation to CCPC through the same PAR program used at West Hill: CCPC by PAR.  

