October 29th 2023: Welcome Dr. Mark Reimers, A Vision of a Peaceful, Just Society:The Indus Valley Civilization

A Vision of a Peaceful, Just Society:
The Indus Valley Civilization

As we hear distressing news from around the world, we may benefit from reminding ourselves of times and places when human beings did come close to building a workable and just society for everyone. These were not idealistic communes or religious movements, but well-organized societies that managed to achieve a social justice far beyond what was typical of their ages. These episodes have largely been forgotten or erased from history by conquering empires that have defined history; many of them are known only through detailed archaeological studies.

This Sunday Dr. Mark Reimers will discuss one of these times and places: the Indus Valley civilization (2600-2000BCE), revered by Mesopotamians as the most advanced society on earth at that time. During that period, over an area the size of France, there is no evidence of warfare or violence. Rather, people lived in well-appointed houses with indoor plumbing and their organized society produced exquisite handicrafts unmatched anywhere else.
How did they manage this? We cannot read their glyphs, but archeology gives us some strong clues

First Reading

The purpose is to prevent the traces of human events from being erased by time, and to preserve the memory of the important and remarkable achievements...

- Herodotus

Second Reading

Just as we study the lives of those we admire or those who have overcome adversity, so that we may emulate them, so we should study the records of societies past which have found ways to bring together different cultures and overcome the personal ambitions that so readily pit people against each other. 

Just as those we admire those who exhibited heroic self-discipline to overcome hardship, we should expect a good society to demand our best selves and considerable effort on our parts. There is no easy road to a good and just society, just as there is no easy path to attain deep understanding. - Mark Reimers

Third Reading

It's a difficult business, creating a new, alternative civilization.

- David Graeber

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