June 16, 2013

Gretta explores the colour yellow.  As part of her perspective, she reminds us of the light of the candle and how we all are the light of the world.  To emphasize this, she leads the congregation through the making of slipknot bracelets.  These bracelets, made out of candle wicks, are a tangible reminder of our love and purpose in the world.  Ruth Gill, a member of the congregation and the coordinator of the West Hill First Nations Study group, will be taking the bracelets with her as she travels to Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) First Nation.  Ruth was one of 25 Canadians invited to visit KI youth and experience their reality and celebrate with them during National Aboriginal Week.  Our light and love go with her and with those she will meet next week. 

West Hill United