West Hill United Church Board of Directors

Within the United Church of Canada, the Board is the chief governing mechanism for the Church.  It makes decision on policies, processes, and issues relevant to congregational life.  The Board meets the second Tuesday of every month in the Lounge, September to June, starting at about 6 pm.  A congregational meeting is held semi-annually, in June and January.

Board of directors 2024

Board Chair: Michael Lawrie

Finance Chair (Interim until April 30 2024): Walter Shouldice

Ministry & Personnel Chair: Vacant - Run by Committee

Director of Celebrating: John McKechnie

Director of Marketing & Communications: Aaron Sheedy

Director of Education & Growth: Donna Hall

Director of Friendship & Hospitality: Barb Russell

Director of Community Care: Babette Oliveira

Director of Technology: Glenn Cockwell

Ministers at Large: Jean Skillman - Special Project: Action Planning, Florence Soknacki

Presbytery Reps: Louise Lawrie, Annemarie Leepel

Ministers: Gretta Vosper, Rev. Greg Daly

Chair of Trustees: Glenn Cockwell

Trustees: Jim Hyland, Frank Kilroy, Gretta Vosper

There are a few board positions vacant and you might be the right person who will add wisdom, knowledge, and experience to move this community forward. Do you feel the pull of guiding and leading this community toward future possibilities? If so, please speak with Mike Lawrie or contact the office for assistance.