2015 Federal Election Kit

The United Church has been active in the public arena—
including elections,since its earliest days.
The founders of this church believed that ours is a living faith and a witness to the ministry of Jesus Christ that is expressed in active, thoughtful involvement in society. It is important for people of faith to bring forward the consistent message that every individual, and Earth itself, must be cherished and respected. Our combined voices have greater impact when we work together. Our non-partisan strategy aims to raise awareness about these issues and to build relationships for justice with politicians in communities across Canada. This kit provides information based on United Church policies and the church’s ongoing work with Canadian and global partners.

- The United Church of Canada,
"2015 Federal Election Kit"

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This Election Kit addresses many issues and shares questions that need to be answered concerning: 

Justice and Reconciliation, Climate justice, 
Criminal justice, Economic justice, 
Food justice, Gender identity, Health care, 
International development, Migrant justice, 
Mining justice, Peace, Refugees and Immigration,
Poverty, Trade and Investment Rules
The Kit recommends further reading and links to web sites of Ecumenical partners,
Civil society organizations and Political parties.