Dream Away Services

Dream Away Service Series
Each year, West Hill's community gathers, along with all churches in the west (Eastern churches recognize other dates), to explore the great themes of death and resurrection. We don't, however, focus on a death and resurrection that took place two millennia ago. Rather, we explore these themes as they are relevant right now in our world, our relationships, and our lives.

In a theologically barrier-free community, there will be those for whom the traditional Easter story has deep meaning and there will be those for whom the story seems anachronistic when viewed from a 21st century perspective. And so it is important to honour the tradition while doing so in language, metaphor, and symbol that can be interpreted by anyone to be meaningful regardless the worldview through which they are experiencing it. That's one of the things that West Hill does and struggles to do with more integrity each year. 

Join us on Sunday April 21st for the second of our Dream Away services as we reach deep into the complexities and challenges that resonate with an ancient story but face us at this moment in time… and seek within them the beauty of possibility and hope.

West Hill United